The Cathedral will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

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Becoming a Member

There are a number of understandings of what it means to be a member of the Cathedral.

The primary form of membership is "showing up." Members are those who worship together, contribute to the life and ministries of the Cathedral, and support the Cathedral financially.

Let us know your name and address and we'll gladly add you to our mailing lists so you can stay informed.

Some prefer to have a more formal relationship with the Cathedral. We offer an Inquirers Class each spring, providing an opportunity to learn more about the Episcopal tradition. At the end of the six-eight week program, participants may choose to be Confirmed as a Christian in the Episcopal tradition, be Received into membership, or Reaffirm your baptismal vows.

If you have previously been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, you may become a member of St. John's Cathedral by contacting your previous church to request that they send a letter of transfer to St. John's. 

If you'd like to know more about becoming part of the Cathedral congregation, contact the Dean.