The Cathedral is open and the Welcome Center doors will be unlocked Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am-4pm and Tuesdays 1-4. If you need access outside these times, please contact the Office at 509-838-4277 or by email at
Please note: Masks are recommended in the building.
The Cathedral is offering multiple opportunities to worship and sing and pray and learn together in-person and virtually. Please check our Facebook page or our Youtube page to join us.
All are welcome to participate in worship - the heart of our life as a Christian community.
The Cathedral wants members and friends to know what's happening! This website has some information, our Facebook page features current events, and we email Cathedral Connections a number of times each week. Additionally, we publish The Chimes, the Cathedral's mostly-monthly print newsletter.
Email the office if you'd like to be added to our email list for the Cathedral Connections and The Chimes.