Ash Wednesday Services will be held on March 5 at 7am, 12pm, and 7pm (with music). All are welcome to participate and receive ashes.


Gretchen Rehberg


The Right Reverend Gretchen M. Rehberg, Ph.D., D.Min. was ordained and consecrated March 18, 2017 as ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane.

Bishop Rehberg is passionate about proclaiming the inclusive love of God and equipping the people of God for transformation and growth. Christian formation for all ages is of vital importance to Gretchen, and she stresses the need for both rigorous engagement and the need for openness and humility in learning. She served as the Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Nativity from 2006 to 2017, after having been elected bishop in 2016.

She has served as the Chair of the Commission on Ministry, a Canon for Regional Mission, and a trainer for the College for Congregational Development. In these ministries, she combined her passion for equipping people for ministry and assisting congregations in becoming more faithful, healthy, and effective communities of faith. She has a M.Div. from General Seminary, a D. Min. from Wesley Seminary, and Ph.D. in Chemistry. Previously she was a professor of organic chemistry, and served her community as an EMT/firefighter.

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