The Cathedral will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

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Youth Ministries

Elaine Patrick works as a Youth Minister at St. John’s and St. Stephen’s, gathering a team of clergy and lay leaders with a focus on Prayer and Presence, Formation/Discipleship, and Church Outside the Walls (outreach and mission). 

High School Youth Group

Students in grades 9-12 gather in the Great Hall at St. John’s Cathedral on Sunday nights from 6-8pm. They share a prepared meal, check-ins, activity, formation time, and close with a short service of Compline (Night Prayers) in the Cathedral. During Advent and Christmas our formation focus has been on exploring themes of hospitality, relationship, and theology in C.S. Lewis’ book, “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.” The group is inclusive and affirming of LGBTQIA+ students. 

Middle School Youth Group

Students in grades 6-8 gather Jr. High Youth Group in the Fellowship Hall at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church on the South Hill. They meet for fellowship, recreation, and faith formation on Wednesday nights from 5:30 - 6:45pm. Advent and Christmas Season formation has revolved around read aloud and discussion of C.S. Lewis’, “The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe.” The group is open and newcomers are always welcomed. Masks are worn by students and leaders. Email Elaine (link included) for more information. 

Camp Cross

Camp Cross is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane and offers sessions for youth, families, and adults, as well as training and service sessions.

Located on lake Coeur d'Alene, Camp Cross is a place of scenic natural beauty where we emphasize the values that Christ teaches us of relationships, prayer, discipleship, and service, while enjoying hiking, boating, swimming, campfire songs, and more! 

Come for one of our many youth or family camps, or for one of our adult retreats. Stay for the friends, relaxation, and wonderful community!

For more information, visit their website.

Teens Encounter Christ

Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) is a retreat weekend of spiritual journey for youth in 9th through 12th grades, led by youth. TEC is modeled on a Cursillo spiritual renewal experience. During the weekend there are ten youth-led talks combined with worship that direct the focus through Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Pentecost.

The young people become friends, enjoy activities and come alive to their own spirituality. Through this experience they take responsibility for their own faith life, which prepares them to become leaders. Our goal is that after experiencing a TEC retreat, these young people will take on leadership roles in future TECs.

TEC is always held in January, over Martin Luther King Jr weekend. Plans for 2021 are unclear at this time.