Please Note: The office closes for New Year's at noon on December 31st and remains closed through January 1st.
We will reopen for normal business hours on Thursday, January 2nd.


Please join us for New Year's Eve Worship and Celebration at 7pm on Tuesday, Dec. 31st!

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Worship Times

Christmas at the Cathedral

Christmas Eve:
4pm—Festive Worship with Carillon Prelude (3:30pm) & Junior Choir

7pm—Festive Worship with Carillon Prelude (6:30pm) & Handbell Ringers

10:30pm—Festive Worship with Carillon Prelude (10pm) & Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Brass

Christmas Day Worship—Dec. 25 at 10am (a quieter service with hymns)

New Year’s Eve Worship & Party—Dec. 31 at 7pm

Pageant Sunday—January 5 at 10:30am


Weekly Services

Sunday 8:00am - Rite I

Sunday 10:30am - Rite II with music - Live streamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages.

Wednesday Noon - Rite II

Saturday 5:30pm - Modified Rite II with  music

The Cathedral offers multiple opportunities to worship, sing, and pray together in-person and virtually. Please check our Facebook page or our YouTube channel to join us.

All are welcome to participate in worship - the heart of our life as a Christian community. 

Come for worship and prayer at the Cathedral.


8:00am Sundays

A celebration of Holy Eucharist in a quieter early Sunday serving using traditional language (Rite I).

10:30am Sundays

The Holy Eucharist with hymns and choir using more contemporary language (Rite II). A 15 minute carillon concert can be heard before the service.

This service is also streamed on Facebook and YouTube. For those viewers communion is offered at the Welcome Center patio at 11:30am.

12:00pm Wednesdays

A quieter Holy Eucharist, often with readings and sermon focused on the saints. Held in the North Transept, an accessible space.

Preceded by Bible Study led by Mike Leiserson.

5:30pm Saturdays

The Holy Eucharist in an intimate setting with contemporary worship and language (modified Rite II). Held in the North Transept, an accessible space.


“Those who sing pray twice” ~ St. Augustine

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Beautiful music in a beautiful setting

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Exploring the connections between God's Word and our life

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Other Services

In addition to regular weekly Eucharist services, St. John's Cathedral provides worship services for special life events.

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At the Cathedral, we’re delighted to work with couples who seriously seek to make Christ and the Church a part of their marriage relationship.
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Baptism is both God’s gift and our human response to that gift. Through baptism, Christians are brought into union with Christ.
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Scripture promises us that we are not left alone in our grief. We trust in the good news of Christ’s resurrection, the promise of eternal life.